
“Thank you for introducing me to Reiki. I certainly benefited from your treatment. My leg is so much improved – as well as my confidence and general well-being. I look forward to meeting with you again for a treatment.”

M, Ripon

“Just wanted to say Thanks for the Reiki the other day, I feel loads better, hard to explain really, just a lot more balanced I suppose, just feel better all round already! I haven’t had a miracle but I got some clarity.

Was lovely to meet you and will be sure to recommend you to anyone that may be interested in the future.”

Mr W, Harrogate

“I visited Sue for treatment a couple of years ago and she has helped me enormously! With great patience she listened attentively to all my problems in a safe and gentle manner helped me untangle what I could myself and then using her wisdom and insight gave me a remedy to help push me on further.

I would highly recommend Sue to anyone seeking out a Homeopath. She is simply brilliant.”

Mrs B, Leeds

“I am happy to give you a testimonial. As you know we have had some great successes.

This is the first time I have used Homeopathy although I had heard a lot about the benefits from friends and family. Initially I needed help with my 7 year old son and the results were remarkable. He improved as soon as he took the remedies. My 4 year old daughter had a similar reaction when I wanted to stop her coming down with colds. After the remedies she had a winter without colds. Curing my ailments has taken longer but it has been a very valuable experience. I have found much emotional relief from Reiki and a better feeling of balance within my life.

I would definitely recommend both Reiki and Homeopathy to friends and family. I have enjoyed all the sessions I have had with Sue and always feel relaxed, listened to, understood and able to discuss anything.”

Mrs R, Harrogate

“I have 4 adolescent children who have each experienced the challenges of transformation from childhood in different ways. My son suffered extreme anxiety and was ungrounded through past traumas. My daughter lacked confidence and self belief that was seriously hindering her relationships and beginning to [stop her] live her dreams. Conventional medicine does not even recognise, let alone begin to support this hugely difficult time in the lives of our children. It’s harder than the early years for sure and so important to recognise this time of struggle and conflict with the bliss of childhood memories behind and the responsibility of adult life ahead. This is where Sue works so expertly. Firstly the children feel heard for all of who they are. Each part of them is paid attention to, and allowed a voice. Each part of them is recognised as vital and is held and understood. The [homeopathic] remedy is significant, then to support where they are in their process and to gently ease them in to the next part of their transition and growth. Sue is so gentle and compassionate and a true healer of the spirit and soul.”

Mrs K, HG3

“I chose Sue to treat my son first and then I later became her patient. Sue and I are colleagues and I’ve been to a few different homeopaths over the years so I had a very good idea of what I was looking for. I felt she would be a good homeopath for my son because I knew that his case was tricky and that it required someone who could see things differently.
Sue is very intuitive and worked well with my then 6 year old son who wasn’t always very forthcoming with answers and simply wanted to play with the toys. She observed him and found ways to get him to communicate what was going on for him. The remedies she selected had more impact on him emotionally and physically than any of the other prescriptions he had had from other homeopaths over the years. He also got to the stage that he wanted to go see Sue because he knew she was helping him.
In addition, Sue has supported me over the years mainly with emotional issues of the past that I was trying to come to terms with and resolve. I go to see her every so often when I feel out of sorts and with a need for some direction and clarity. She asks thoughtful questions that help me think about things and get to the heart of the issue. The remedies she sends me help me get back on track and regain my balance.  
I am happy to recommend Sue (and often do!) for someone looking for an excellent homeopath in Harrogate for either themselves or their family.”

GK, Leeds
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